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Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

Linux Box Goes Live with Community Edition

The Linux Box Corporation’s (www.linuxbox.com) first commercial software product, an advanced email archiving, retrieval and reporting system, has gone live in a community edition and is available for free download at http://www.enkive.org.

EnkiveTM Community Edition (Enkive CE) is an innovative and comprehensive open source solution. It helps organizations of all sizes address the problem of e-mail retention for business intelligence and legal and regulatory compliance. Enkive empowers organizations to easily store email while retaining control over their email system, IT infrastructure, information and processes.

“Organizations of all sizes are increasingly using email as their main form of communication, but many are not treating internal and external email correspondence as critical corporate records,” said Elizabeth Ziph, president and CEO of The Linux Box. “The need to have easy access to a secure email archive is more useful than and just as important as being compliant with laws and regulations governing communications. Email today represents employees’ work product and their entire record of customer interaction. This type of business intelligence should be retained and not put at risk of being lost.”

Osterman Research, an industry analyst firm specializing in the messaging market, recently issued a white paper addressing the legal, regulatory and business management issues surrounding email archiving. The report, called “What Are Your Obligations to Retain Email and Other Electronic Content?” is available for download from The Linux Box and the http://www.enkive.org websites.

According to Michael Osterman, president of Osterman Research, “email storage is growing at 25 percent annually and is being driven by the increasing use of email and larger attachments sent through email, which creates enormous problems for IT administrators who must devote more time and resources to storage management. This creates longer backup windows, longer restores after a server crash and a greater proportion of IT budget devoted to storage, all of which can be addressed through the use of archiving.”

Enkive captures emails as they are sent and received to ensure they are saved before an employee can delete them. It reduces storage costs by deduplicating redundant emails and searches are conducted not only in the main email body, but also in attachments. Enkive also provides organizations with easy search and recovery of emails, helping companies to address compliance issues with laws and regulations, as well as litigation support.

Since its announcement in April 2010 at the AIIM International Exposition + Conference, Enkive has undergone significant development and beta testing. Enkive CE is free; The Linux Box offers support and professional services to companies who are interested in deploying it for a fee. Enkive Enterprise Edition (Enkive EE) will be launched in the first half of 2011.

For additional information about Enkive CE, including service options, pricing and volume discounts, contact The Linux Box sales department at 734-761-4689 or via email at [email protected]; or complete the inquiry form on http://www.enkive.org/contact.

About The Linux Box
Founded in 1999, The Linux Box Corporation (http://www.linuxbox.com) is a software development organization specializing in open source technology and the Linux platform. The Linux Box offers professional services, including customization and integration to a broad range of clients in industries ranging from energy and financial services to government, life sciences, education and the utilities. The company also offers a software product, EnkiveTM, which provides advanced email archiving solutions for organizations. The Linux Box is ISO 9001:2008 certified.

Enkive is a trademark of The Linux Box. All other trade names are the property of their respective owners.

This release is available online in the Feintuch Communications media room at http://www.feintuchcommunications.com/linuxbox.

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