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Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

MaxiScale Announced as Launch Pad Finalist

MaxiScale, Inc., a technology leader in cloud-scale file serving and storage, announced it has been selected as a Launch Pad finalist to present on the keynote stage on Wednesday, March 17 during Cloud Connect at the Santa Clara Convention Center. For more information visit: http://launchpad.cloudconnectevent.com/.

MaxiScale will showcase its breakthrough software platform for companies delivering cloud applications at Cloud Connect. The MaxiScale FLEX Software Platform is the first technology to solve the problems created by the unpredictable and ever-expanding data requirements of cloud-scale workloads. MaxiScale, as a Launch Pad finalist, will have the unique opportunity to present its innovative application to a cloud computing community and receive real-time audience feedback.

“The Launch Pad competition at Cloud Connect is a first-time competition to recognize the companies helping shape and evolve the cloud computing industry,” said Steve Wylie, Cloud Connect general manager. “We’d like to applaud the cutting-edge tools and solutions these four Launch Pad finalists have presented to the community. We are thrilled to see a new level of enthusiasm and advancement taking place within cloud computing.”

After a first round of submissions via Twitter, the Launch Pad jury selected their favorite eight submissions. These elite eight were then asked to upload a short YouTube video to compete for the title and chance to present at the event. The Cloud Connect community voted and selected four Launch Pad finalists, including MaxiScale, to showcase their ideas on Wednesday, March 17. Following a live audience vote, a Launch Pad People’s Choice Winner will be announced on-site at Cloud Connect.

“We are honored to be recognized as a Launch Pad finalist by the community,” said Gary Orenstein, vice president of marketing, MaxiScale. “Our MaxiScale team has worked diligently to provide a file serving and storage solution that addresses the data requirements associated with cloud-scale applications to help our customers scale, improve performance and reduce costs, and we look forward to sharing it with the Cloud Connect audience.”

About MaxiScale
MaxiScale’s cloud-scale file serving and storage platform is a breakthrough for Internet data centers and storage infrastructure that fundamentally changes the economics of deploying Web-scale applications. The FLEX Software Platform addresses the unpredictable and expanding data requirements facing companies that deliver Internet applications via public and private clouds. It enables customers to reduce capital and operational costs while improving performance by an order of magnitude over competing solutions. MaxiScale’s innovative Peer Set™ architecture and single disk I/O small file operations allow data centers to linearly scale a single namespace to hundreds of petabytes, eliminate forklift upgrades and reduce disk spindle counts by a factor of 10. This results in the ability to scale to 100 times the capacity of current solutions. For more information, please visit: www.MaxiScale.com.

About Cloud Connect
Cloud Connect, produced by UBM TechWeb, is the defining event of the cloud computing industry. As both a conference and an exhibition, Cloud Connect’s goal is to chart the course of cloud computing’s development by bringing together enterprise IT professionals, developers, infrastructure providers and cloud computing innovators. UBM TechWeb has produced cloud events that define and frame cloud computing discussions since June 2008, including Cloud Summit Executive and Enterprise Cloud Summit at Interop. Cloud Connect is a new one-of-a-kind event that encompasses the entire cloud computing ecosystem featuring Cloud Business Summit, a Launch Pad program, IT & Developer workshops and a full conference program. Cloud Connect will take place March 15-18, 2010 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Silicon Valley, CA. For more information visit: www.cloudconnectevent.com.

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