Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information
Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

RRPproxy portal integrates additional features for domain resellers

With a new structure, a revised design and extended features the internationally operating domain registrar Key-Systems has optimized the usability of its reseller portal RRPproxy.net. Along with the relaunch, new features for a higher ease of use and faster processes were integrated in the RRPproxy web client. The former web interface will be simultaneously online until April 2010.

Zweibrücken, 10-02-16. From now on resellers can choose between the English version and a new, German version for the web interface. A Spanish version will soon be available. The new web interface guarantees the highest ease of use through the application of modern web technology with Javascript. Full functionality is is still possible without javascript. The web client, which is compatible with all popular web browsers, saves time by reducing the clicks and movements required to perform a task. Many parameters are now presented as explicit terms in drop-down menus and can thus be found directly. For example, clients no longer have to search the relevant code for special country-code requirements of a TLD (top-level domain) and enter it manually. The possibilities of classifying and searching are considerably extended. For example, users can rapidly access the domains of different zones.

Processes like the domain search have been logically extended and improved: After entering a vacant domain name, the web client immediately relays to the registration. If the domain is already registered in the own account, one receives a domain status report. In case of a foreign registration the system allows to initiate a transfer if the user has the relevant legitimation. Once executed, entries are now automatically offered again when completing the contact form for domain registration. Bulk commands are possible with as many parameters as required. So the customer can at the same time apply different adjustments on a multitude of domains (e.g. for the administrative contact). With IDNs (International Domain Names) resellers can work directly within the domain management, a previous translation into punycode is no longer needed.

Web interface with plausible structure

The RRPproxy web client is designed in a new, modern layout and allows users the intuitive understanding of its functions. On the landing page all the superior processes are clearly presented. A status display directly in the upper area shows balance and credit. Through the placement of the API control (Application Programming Interface) on the left, vertical menu as well as the account management and special tools in the horizontal navigation bar the work flow is clearly structured. The functions domain registration, transfer and renewal belong to the left handed API control. Furthermore, the management of DNS, hosting, SSL certificates (Secure Sockets Layer) and subresellers is located there. The management of contact data and the direct API access form the ending of this menu. The horizontal account management tab includes the links for account, tools, finances, downloads and support. Here users can among other things change their access data, convert IDNs, manage accounting, download forms and documentations or directly message their questions to the support team. Special tools are for example the direct socket access and the dispatch of bulk commands.

Meta-registry for resellers worldwide

RRPproxy is the worldwide reseller network of the Key-Systems GmbH. The fully automated real-time system for domain registration and management includes extensive additional offers like DNS, SSL certificates, SMS gateway, a subreseller system and the API hosting solution HOMER (Hosting Management Environment Repository). RRPproxy offers more than 200 different internet endings for domain registration and management in one easy to handle platform. Resellers can address all the linked registries via RRPproxy which is why it can also be called the “meta registry”. The clients can connect with this meta registry via web interface and the API gateways EPP, XRRP, HTTP(S), SOAP, XML-RPC and SMTP gateway.

Key-Systems GmbH located in Zweibrücken, Germany, was founded by Alexander Siffrin in 1998. The company has grown from an academic sideline to a successful international ICANN accredited registrar for internet addresses. Areas such as a fully automated reseller-system and web hosting completed the success story. Today with more than 2.6 million domains under its management, the company has reached a leading market position, selling domain names, web hosting and DNS services to customers all over the world. The latest product BrandShelter.com offers companies and institutions special services related to domain administration including services to get their own top-level domain (TLD) as this opportunity unfolds in the near future. As of May 2009, Key-Systems also has a US branch: Key-Systems USA, Inc. is located in Leesburg, Virginia.

Key-Systems GmbH
Dorothea Marx
Public Relations
Prager Ring 4-12
66482 Zweibrücken
Phone: +49 6332 79-1902
Fax: +49 6332 79-1851
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.key-systems.net

Key-Systems USA
Bonnie Wittenburg
Executive Vice President, US
604 S. King Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20175
Phone: +1 703 574 3831
Fax: +1 201 596 1433
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.key-systems.net

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