Gossimer has introduced a handful of Easy and Quick Website Builder Plans.
The most basic easy and quick website builder plan costs USD 2.59/month, and the most advanced one costs USD 8.99/month, with several other price points in between. Each of the website builder plans include web hosting and email hosting. It means the small and mid-size business owners will not have to pour more money in going online. To go online, all a business owner needs is a domain name and any of the Website Builder Plans.
The Website Builder Plans have been designed to help non-technical people create websites for themselves. The subscribers of any of the plans will be able to create a website for their businesses, without any external help. This, as the industry experts believe, will remove the fear of losing control from the minds of small and mid-size business owners.
“During the weeks that I took off for vacations, I happen to personally get in touch with many small and mid-size business owners. During these meetings I came to know, first hand, that how much reservation a business owner has in letting an outsider [web developer and designer] know about the nuances of their businesses, and this is what they sight as the main reason for not having a website,” Said Marvin Dreyer, CEO of Gossimer, “Another reason was the cost of website creation and their [small and mid-size business owners] inability to create websites by themselves. So we decided to make our Website Builder Plans easy-to-work with, and made them available on multiple price points.”
Subscribers of each plan can make unlimited changes to their websites, and they also get a huge library of unique website designs and templates to choose from. The website builder plan uses a WYSIWYG editor which works the same as does Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Word. The company also provides a promotion module with the plan to help small and mid-size business owners optimize their websites for search engine discovery. A person can do all sorts of things using Gossimer’s Website Builder Plans, and each of the plans comes with 30-day money-back guarantee.
This strategy seems to be working for Gossimer, one of the best web hosting companies in the world. Gossimer seems to be winning a steady stream of awards dating back over ten years. In the past year alone, the amount of awards has steadily increasing month over month. Latest awards include “The Most Popular Domain Register” awarded every month since May 2010 by the Domains Directory http://www.domainsdir.com/search/profile.aspx?spid=15068. Additionally, Gossimer has been awarded “The Most Popular Web Host” every month since September 2010 by The Web Host Directory http://www.webhostdir.com/search/profile.aspx?spid=15068. The awards are a direct reflection on the company’s focus on the customer.
In 2010, Gossimer has raised the bar by offering one after another exciting domain name registration and web hosting promotions, and with this new offering the company appears ready to set 2011 on fire as well. Only time will tell if Gossimer succeeds in achieving its goal or not.
About Gossimer, LLC
Gossimer is a full-feature, fastest growing domain name registration and webhosting company which has been voted as one of the 25 most famous web hosting company in the world for many consecutive months. Since 2001, Gossimer has provided web hosting, email hosting, SSL certificates, domain registration and now Website Builder services from New Jersey and Florida. The company is well known for its exceptionally responsive customer support, knowledgeable technical support, server uptime, and attractive web hosting packages.
For more information, please visit: http://www.gossimer.com