Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information
Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

Google Announce Data Center Security Video

Google has released a 7 minute video showing the security and data protection practices in its data centers, including some footage from the company’s data center in South Carolina.

“At Google, we run a network of data centers that are built for scale and reliability. They’re also designed for security and data protection. For the 3 million businesses that have gone Google and the thousands more that join them every day, these features help ensure that their data is kept safe.”

“Many of you have been interested in visiting our data centers to see how we work to protect your data, but access to them is tightly restricted. Since we can’t give everyone a tour, we look for other ways to provide some visibility into these buildings. Last year we published the Google Apps security white paper, earlier this year we hosted a security & privacy webcast and today we’re sharing a video that highlights some of the capabilities in our data centers, including:
Physical security
Data protection
Reliability of operations”

Read more: http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2011/04/security-first-security-and-data.html

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