HostUCan, an industry leading web hosting review and search platform, today announced the release of Hosting Relevancy Analysis tool, with which people could find out how well their desired web hosting solution is compatible with their website.
Why Check Hosting Relevancy before a Buying
Each web hosting is designed for a different purpose, what works for one site might not be a good solution for another site. When people read the customer reviews or editor reviews of a web hosting solution, they will find many different opinions. Some might be positive, and some are negative. What cause this is that the different reviewer hosts different site with different level of complexity and traffic in a hosting environment, some of them fall into the capacity of the server and some might exceed it.
So, when looking for a web hosting, it’s critical to know how good it could fit into the needs of a web site. And this is what HostUCan Relevancy Analysis tool could help.
Main Features
As HostUCan collect the reviewers’ site information like application or framework used to develop it and daily taffic etc, which give it the capability to do a deep analysis on customer reviews, and figure out a hosting plan is good for what type of web sites.
To start analysis, people are required to input what application, such as WordPress, is used to develop a site and its traffic, then system will generate a report with information like:
How good a web hosting plan could fit their site’s needs. The result could be “Excellent”, “Good”, and “Not Recommended”
If there is no customer review of that hosting plan, the tool will look at the existing customer reviews, and give out an alternative which have been proven to be great for the given site
Display the latest available coupons of the hosting plan and help saving some money during checkout
The tool is extremely useful before buying a new hosting product and it has been fully integrated into web host profile page and hosting plan page in People could look at Check Hosting Relevancy Before Buying to know how.
Customer reviews are critical input to this tool, and everyone could contribute to this system by submitting their hosting reviews. As a return, all the reviewers will get free website monitoring service from HostUCan.
About HostUCan: is a next generation web hosting review and search platform. It provides a powerful context-based search engine in order to help people find the best hosting option based on their hosting needs. HostUCan is also a place for webmasters to share their hosting experience and to seek information from other experts.