The Dutch Task Force IPv6 for the third and final consecutive IPv6 Awards have been presented to two organizations and an individual who is the awareness and adoption of IPv6 in the past year have greatly facilitated the Task Force calls this way attention the necessary transition from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to IPv6. Because the IPv4 Internet addresses in his mid-2012, this move next year so urgent that there is simply no longer have to honor pioneers with IPv6 award. The awards are IPv6 next year will no longer be issued.
Organizations had in recent months to register to compete for an award and IPv6 to show they are ahead in IPv6. The Dutch IPv6 Task Force notes that more and more Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other organizations concerned with the transition to and implementation of IPv6. In selecting the winners, the Task Force in view of motivation, relevance, commitment, implementation and impact. The winners by category are:
Category Winners
Profit AVM: AVM is characterized by a passionate commitment to the area of IPv6. For years, AVM realizes the importance of the equipment to home consumers in the transition to IPv6 and AVM has taken the lead in providing solutions.
Nonprofit Foundation Mail Server Whitelist: The idea of whitelisting IPv6 is elegantly using the introduction of IPv6 to obtain a spantribnetwerk. Although the jury is not convinced that white listing is the ideal solution against spam, the jury appreciates the creativity and positive image for IPv6.
IPv6 Personality Steffann Sander: Sander For years shows a passionate commitment to IPv6. As a consultant, working as chairman at Ripe, and as the author of an excellent paper on IPv6 numbering plans, in the implementation of IPv6 in many organizations helping to accelerate.
AVM has long been deployed IPv6 in its products. The router products from AVM FRITZ! Boxes, supporting native IPv6 and various tunneling protocols. In recent months a lot of work to implement DS.Lite. This technique gives only an IPv6 router WAN address is the IPv4 and IPv6 traffic through the tunneled connection. This makes it possible for providers to grow, even if he does not have more IPv4 blocks. AVM makes the IPv6 IPv6 deployment easy for consumers, and thus contributes to a more successful start of the difficult IPv6 deployment.
Mail Server Whitelist Foundation was founded with the aim of preventing spam for IPv6 when IPv6 is widely used. IP blacklisting still plays a major role in filtering e-mail. With IPv6, there are too many public IP addresses to be able to continue blacklist. The Foundation maintains a database of mail servers running on IPv6, so mail from non-mail servers (bots) easy to filter. Also the problem of scale IPv6 solved because blacklisting only needs to be applied to the limited set of notified IPv6 addresses.
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