, the world’s largest on-demand provider of web based CRM software announced today that all Professional edition customers would be eligible to receive fully featured business-class domain hosting.
In addition to business class domain hosting and email hosting, Professional edition customers may also add e-commerce features and social network integration for their business web sites in addition to custom web site design packages from Template Monster (
Now, is a one-stop shop for small businesses wishing to add CRM and business class hosting solutions together in a fully integrated package. Customers can select a domain name for hosting, add hosting features such as database connectivity, business class email hosting, content management systems, shopping carts and more with the new business class hosting packages.
Getting a professionally designed web site for your business now has never been easier, and with an integrated CRM system, managing leads and customer relationships has never been easier. Businesses can easily select a domain name and get a professional web presence up and running with little or no hassle and can select from thousands of professional web site designs covering all major industries through our partnership with Template Monster.
“It is important for businesses to have a web presence, which means a domain name, domain-branded email, and advanced CRM and e-commerce features all wrapped into one easy package,” said Angelica DuBoise, director of Customer Communications and Relations at, “now more than ever it is important for your business to establish brand identity and credibility on the web, and is working to make that a very affordable and easy choice for business owners everywhere.”
With over 155,000 customers in over 116 countries and serving businesses since 2003, is the market leader in on-demand CRM solutions for businesses worldwide. With an easy to use interface and simple, yet powerful tool set, businesses can get started quickly with powerful CRM tools without the costly headaches and complexity found in other CRM systems.
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