Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information
Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

Got Web Host Provides Support To Afghan Troops

Got Web Host’s Director of Marketing, Tanya Martin and Director of Business Development, Lloyd Brown made a trip to Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, MS last month, to drop off several hundred tubes of lip balm to troops scheduled for deployment to Afghanistan.

Martin explained the occurrence: “Got Web Host had sponsored a trade show in Phoenix, AZ the week before. Since we had visited Phoenix several times prior at this time of year, we knew that lip balm would be greatly appreciated by the attendees. We ordered 1,000 tubes of it, and since there were only 600 attendees, we had a lot left over.”

“Lloyd gave a tube of the lip balm to his son who, immediately after trying it, suggested that the troops in the Middle-East might really appreciate the soothing medication. Since he (his son) had a brother-in-law that was sent to Camp Shelby to prepare for deployment to Afghanistan, the idea grew legs.”
Brown explained further. “I had already planned on driving Tanya back to her home in Indiana, and as we traveled, we discussed this idea in more detail. At the time, I only knew that my son’s brother-in-law was in Mississippi, but I did not know which army base. One night we were in Oklahoma and I hit up Google to discover that the likely location was Camp Shelby. The only question was would they accept our donation at the gate?”

The next morning, Brown called Camp Shelby and spoke with US Army Major, Tim Harrelson who stated they would be happy to accept the donation. The decision was made to make the detour to Hattiesburg, and the next afternoon Martin and Brown were at the entrance to Camp Shelby.

“Major Harrelson commented that he was a little surprised that we made a 600 mile detour to make the donation,” Brown added, “but he also said that donations like this were very appreciated and it helped the morale of the troops.”

“We feel that any business that has the ability to make small donations such as lip balm, pre-paid phone cards, snacks, toiletries, etc., should do so,” Martin stated. “A little act of kindness for someone willing to put his or her life on the line for our country is not too much to ask.”

About Got Web Host:
Got Web Host started in 2002 to provide virtual hosting to friends, family and consumers in need of affordable and reliable web hosting. In 2005, they began offering SEO services that no other hosting company had been able to offer. In 2010, Got Web Host takes the leap to expand their reach. Now providing standardized dedicated hosting, at competitive prices and backed with the Got Web Host standard of support.

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