Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information
Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

OzeVision Hosting Wins Two Web Hosting Awards

OzeVision Web Hosting has been awarded 17th position amongst the “Top 25 Most Poplar” web hosting companies in the category “Australian Web Hosting Directory” by WebHostDir.com and 22nd position in the category “Australian Dedicated Servers Directory” by DedicatedServerDir.com for the month of January 2011. The awards pages can be viewed at:



Every month WebHostDir.com and DedicatedServerDir.com ranks the 25 most popular companies in the categories “Australian Web Hosting Directory” and “Australian Dedicated Servers Directory”. The “25 Most Popular List” is based on the number of votes a company receives and the amount of times their profile page has been viewed each month. This ensures that each and every month WebHostDir.com and DedicatedServerDir.com come up with an up to date list of web hosting companies that customers can trust for their web hosting needs.

“2011 has started with a bang for us. We are very pleased to receive these award in two very competitive categories. Our commitment to our customers is accentuated by these awards. This is the 2nd time we have won award in “Australian Web Hosting Directory” category and 4th time in “Australian Dedicated Servers Directory” category. These awards show that our customers value the services that we have been providing.” says Khalid M. Syed, Director and owner of OzeVision.com that owns and operates OzeVisionWebHosting.com.

OzeVision Web Hosting has been providing the best web hosting service in the market since 2005. The wide range of web hosting services extends from enrty level unlimited web hosting packages to enterprise class dedicated web hosting for the demanding customers. The feature rich dedicated hosting packages provide an excellent choice for a customer looking for web hosting dedicated solution.

OzeVision Web Hosting provides web hosting and domain registration. For any enquiries please visit www.OzeVisionWebHosting.com and use the “Contact Us” form.

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