Symantec Corp announced that its Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates are found on more than 70 percent of the Internet’s top 1,000 SSL-using websites while its closest competitor sits with just 4 percent. The Alexa Netcraft Index is a monthly snapshot of SSL Certificate use among the Internet’s most frequently visited sites. Symantec’s family of dominant SSL brands includes VeriSign, GeoTrust, Thawte, RapidSSL and TC Trust Center.
This month’s report comes amid high profile discussions – from the social networks to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. – on the necessity for greater SSL implementation across the Internet’s Web properties. Concerns over rogue hotspots and related man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks have given rise to an extension of SSL protection to Web sessions beyond login and transactional pages.
“As organizations more fully appreciate the variety and severity of online threats, the need for SSL-secured web sessions, at more touch points across the Internet, will become more and more apparent” said Fran Rosch, vice president of Trust Services at Symantec. “Online leaders seeking to maintain trust in their brands will continue to work with Symantec on the strength of its brands’ reputations for strong encryption, innovative services and world-class technical support. When it comes to building trust online, business will continue to come to Symantec”
Catapult Data Services creates the monthly Alexa Netcraft SSL Index by cross-referencing the Netcraft SSL Survey of public-facing certificates with the Alexa Top Sites list, which ranks the 1 million most visited sites by popularity. As a result, the Alexa Netcraft SSL Index obtains an accurate picture of SSL Certificate usage across the websites that matter most.
Having acquired the first CA to provide SSL Certificates, Symantec continues its strong position in the market by offering customers more value-added services than the competition. For instance, VeriSign® SSL Certificates enable customers to rest assured that they are protecting their online transactions and communications with the industry’s strongest encryption. VeriSign SSL customers also receive daily malware scans and Seal-in-Search™, which enable the VeriSign seal to be displayed within search engine results to boost traffic to their sites.
Symantec is the leading provider of SSL and EV SSL protection worldwide, with nearly 70 percent of the EV SSL market. More than 100,000 websites display the VeriSign seal by deploying VeriSign SSL, VeriSign EV SSL, or VeriSign Trust Seal solutions. As the most popular and recognized security mark in the world, the VeriSign seal is viewed by Internet users up to 650 million times in a single day.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions to help consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. More information is available at