Exabytes (US) is offering its ValueFantasy Promotion to both dedicated server subscribers and dedicated server referrals.
Hard disk shortage has recently driven up prices of PCs and servers due to the disastrous floods in Thailand last month. The price hike has unavoidably affected Exabytes too and prices of their servers have been adjusted accordingly. To share the burden of their valued customers, they are now offering Dedicated Server Hosting as low as $119/month with complimentary RAM upgraded to 4096 MB from 2048 MB and hard disk storage upgraded to 500 GB from 320 GB.
The second ValueFantasy is given to referrals who recommend Exabytes’ (US) dedicated server plan to their customers or friends. Exabytes (US) treasures the effort and hence $100 will be credited to the referrals’ accounts when a dedicated server sales is closed successfully. “Sign up for the Angel Affiliate Program of Exabytes (US) to earn lucrative side income which comes in automatically and 24×7,” said Chan Kee Siak, CEO of Exabytes Network.
Since the ValueFantasy Promo is only valid in December, Exabytes (US) is urging bloggers, web design companies, customers looking for dedicated server hosting or whoever interested to earn extra pocket money to act fast. – www.exabytes.com