Web hosting provider The Host Group announced on Friday it has launched its recently upgraded website builder product with an introductory offer of half off the first three months’ payment. In addition to their custom website development services.
The Host Group will now be offering a cutting edge website builder designed for individuals interested in upgrading their blog/website without incurring the expenses involved with commercial website development.
The new website builder from The Host Group offers an additional asset to their range of products, as well as another tool that distances its web hosting and VPS services from the competition.
Geared toward getting small businesses online with minimal costs, the website builder package is an all-in-one solution to building a professional and clean looking website.
The blue ribbon offering from The Host Group provides additional features that were not previously available to customers, such as the new mobile templates and builder for mobile sites. These include improved customer navigation, a much greater selection of templates for customers, and redesigned templates for business sites.
Using an easy to use drag-and-drop interface, the website builder from The Host Group can customize any of the dozens of templates exactly as they wish, or start from scratch to build a completely unique website. Users can add text, images and social media plugins to their site, then rearrange everything on screen easily.
The Host Group website builder package includes hosting, and customers can also choose a free domain name, giving them all the tools they need to get their business online.
“Many individuals and small business owners discover that they lack the resources to build their own website, or the finances to pay someone else to do it well,” said The Host Group Doug Davis, CEO of The Host Group. “With our automated website builder, we are removing that obstacle by providing a way to build websites that doesn’t require any knowledge of programming or writing code. Customers can easily customize any one of our templates until they’re satisfied with the result.”
To promote the product, The Host Group is offering a 50 percent discount on the first three months of any annual contract, which customers can redeem anytime before June 30th, 2012.
For more information about the automated website builder, or custom website development and eCommerce projects, please visit http://www.thehostgroup.com.