Daily Archives: October 19, 2015

4 posts

WebHostUK Announces Redesigned Website

WEBHOSTUK LIMITED announced it has launched a completely overhauled and redesigned version of its main website, https://www.webhost.uk.net. The new website is designed to offer greatly improved navigation to visitors while also updating the WebHost.Uk.Net image for a new Mobile /Tablet Generation. WEBHOSTUK LIMITED says the new design reflects the quality […]

Fasthosts virtualised hosting packages

Fasthosts Internet Ltd a Web and Cloud hosting provider, has announced web hosting packages based on virtualisation technology. Designed to create the best experience a developer can have with a hosting package. Fasthosts’ Cluster platform shares the load of each website among multiple servers, minimising website resource contention and maintaining […]

WebHostForASP.NET Announces 25% Discount

WebHostForASP.NET, a leading web hosting provider offering shared web hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated server hosting plans, announces its Special Sale. To receive the 25 % off, customers have to use coupon code: SPECIALDEAL during checkout. For more information of this program, contact the sales and support staffs at www.webhostforasp.net.