Kansas City data center and Internet hub, has called on General Green to enforce important eco steps to green up the data center.
Watch General Green: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFQckJqOHwo
According to Darren Bonawitz, co-owner of 1102 GRAND, General Green was asked to control the amount of energy consumption and reduce the data center’s carbon footprint. “Emphasis has been put on installing blanking panels, which are cost efficient inserts that prevent hot air from equipment to mix with air in the cold aisle especially towards the top of cabinets, which are more prone to temperature issues,” said Bonawitz.
Additionally, 1102 GRAND is encouraging customers to utilize virtualization to consolidate servers and maximize performance per watt from IT hardware while still maintaining the required level of reliability. “Most single application server environments only utilize a fraction of their processing capacity and spend too much time idle,” Bonawitz said. “All of this means a lower carbon footprint and lower energy expenses, which can easily justify the modest time invested up front.”
Here are 15 Ways to Green Up the Data Center: http://1102grand.com/blog/15-ways-green-data-center/
1102 GRAND is a Midwestern Internet hub and carrier neutral collocation facility specifically enhanced with the infrastructure to host and provide services to an array of global network operators including carriers, service providers and enterprise customers who demand highly secure and connected, customized solutions for their core networking equipment. 1102 GRAND offers a wide array of collocation options including cabinets, cage space, suites and space for private data centers all of which are connected to a carrier neutral Meet Me Room, housing carriers and service providers including AT&T, Level (3), Verizon Business, Time Warner Cable, Cox Communication, and Qwest.
One thought on “Kansas City Data Center and Collocation Facility Debuts General Green”
This is a big step for data centers. I know of a Kansas City Data Center, in fact I know of many data centers here and I do hope they use green energy. It would save them thousands of dollars in power consumption