Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information
Web Hosting Publicity Announcements News and Information

HostUCan.com Announce New Web Hosting Forum

HostUCan.com, today announces to formally launch its web hosting forum, with which people could discuss any issue related to web hosting.

The web hosting forum from HostUCan.com now has 4 main sections, which include:
General Web Hosting forums to discuss about general question about web hosting, such as shared web hosting, vps hosting, cloud hosting, and etc.

Framework & Application hosting forum is for the discussion of application related hosting issues, such as WordPress hosting, Drupal hosting, and etc.

Script Hosting Forum is about hosting topics of web site development scripts, such as PHP hosting, ASP.NET hosting
Web Hosting Company Forums. HostUCan creates a sub-forum for each web hosting company in this section. People could post questions or share their experience of a specific web host here. HostUCan has integrated the posts here into the company profile page, which means all the discussion related to a web host will show up in the company profile page in HostUCan.com. This will make HostUCan.com to be the one stop for all website to get to know a web host from 360 degrees.

Since the launch of HostUCan.com in 2011, it has released many features to help webmaster on choose an ideal web hosting solution, such as:
Web Hosting Review
HostUCan Needs Oriented Web Hosting Search
Free website monitoring service
Self-service system for web hosting companies to manage their profile, and publish hosting solutions, company news and latest coupons.
Web Hosting Coupon Search

And now, with this web hosting forum in place, HostUCan will further build up itself as the best place for people to look for a web hosting solution.

And to know more about HostUCan web hosting forum, please check out http://forum.hostucan.com