SingleHop, Inc., a leader in highly automated Infrastructure-as-a-Service, today announced the release of the third generation of LEAP, its proprietary infrastructure management platform. In addition to an entirely revamped interface, LEAP v3 offers clients true on-demand access to their systems, and enables clients to design infrastructure solutions from any combination of dedicated server, public or private cloud components.
“In LEAP v3, we’ve completely rewritten the book on how solutions are designed, deployed, and managed in the data center. Our clients can either build their own hybrid solution and deploy it from our new and robust Solutions Center, or they can leverage our Crowdsourced Marketplace to choose a solution designed by the independent systems architects, software companies, or other SingleHop clients”, said Zak Boca, Chief Executive Officer.
Core and unique to LEAP v3 is the Crowdsourced Marketplace, with the tag-line “Infrastructure by Democracy”. The program allows anyone to join the community and design solutions for any particular application. Once designed, solutions can be submitted for approval, and if accepted, will be made available to other SingleHop clients. True to its on-demand nature, all SingleHop IaaS products, including solutions from the Crowdsourced Marketplace, can be deployed with one click through the LEAP Solutions Center.
“Providing high levels of automation has been at the core of our business strategy. Now, by giving our clients the ability to design and deploy their own hybrid solution, or use a solution available through our Crowdsourced Marketplace, we’re even finding more ways to leverage the platform that we’ve built”, said Marc Bollinger, Senior Project Manager.
Five ways that LEAP v3 is unlike any other infrastructure management platform available today:
1. Ability to design hybrid solutions using a wide range of components & deploy with one click.
2. Crowdsourced Marketplace allows hybrid solutions to be designed by the community, providing a wider range of ideas and possibilities.
3. Organize and group any infrastructure components into solutions, which can be quickly deployed with the push of a button
4. Increased productivity for IT departments with a better range of IaaS management tools.
5. Modernized user interface, designed to support hybrid computing and to facilitate agility and speed.
Zak Boca, the company’s CEO will be doing a live demo of LEAP3 in the Cloud Expo Theater at 4:35pm on November 9th, 2011. To access a free LEAP3 account please go to
About SingleHop, Inc.
SingleHop is a dedicated and cloud hosting provider that offers highly scalable, on-demand infrastructure services to both end-users and resellers primarily under monthly contracts. With clients in 114 countries, two Chicago-area data centers, and over 10,000 servers online, SingleHop delivers state-of-the-art hardware, server management customization and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. While combining security and convenience to provide solutions for a wide range of enterprises, SingleHop remains an industry leader in providing customers with automatic provisioning, remote management and accessibility using a variety of personal devices.
SingleHop was established in 2006 and makes its home in Chicago, IL. In 2011, the company was named #25 on the Inc. 500 list for the fastest growing companies in America, a significant leap from #58 the previous year.