Rackspace®, announced that MobileForceField, an innovative startup behind the world’s first proactive child safety app, has selected a Rackspace Hybrid Cloud to power all of its websites.
MobileForceField is an innovative British company formed in 2013 with a unique patent pending product, an app, which steps in before a child receives bullying messages, inappropriate images or visits unsuitable apps and websites, helping keep them safe from harm. In addition to this, the application is one of the first which uses geofencing technology to monitor the whereabouts of the child and helps ensure they are kept away from uninviting locations.
MobileForceField dismissed using an unmanaged cloud infrastructure in an attempt to keep costs as low as possible, as it knows that these services would not meet the three key requirements it had which were scalability, customer service (load speed) and dedicated expertise. At this point, it turned to a Rackspace managed cloud service which covers each of these top priorities.
he app is available now on Android devices and Rackspace will provide hosting support for the tool being launched on the Apple App Store which is a central part of MobileForceField’s future plans. Further expansion into the Australian, Canadian and US markets is another top priority for the company moving forward, and necessitates their requirement for a global managed cloud leader.